Optional Extras
Fire Pit
Please order from Reception upon arrival.
£10 for a weekend, £20 for a week
Flamer Firestarter
50p each
Log Bags
Treasure Trail Maps
Chester Eastgate & Amphitheatre takes you on a treasure trail from the main shopping centre to a fascinating slice of history. The map includes 10 treasures and features the TMT superheroes battles Roman zombies – great fun for your kids as you explore the city.
Chester Northgate & Cathedral map also has 10 treasures to find and a Dinosaurs & Diggers theme. So, as you follow the clues along ancient streets, through holy grounds and onto the mighty Roman Wall you must dodge the roaring reptiles and mechanical machines that are causing havoc.
For each map, use the street names and recognisable buildings to find your way around and enter the treasures on the map as you find them!
Maps are A3 glossy posters with the second side including facts about the town, clues, and details of the Treasure Map Trails academy.